Monday, January 27, 2020

Defining and analysis of illegal immigration

Defining and analysis of illegal immigration Illegal immigration is defined as the trespassing across the national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the concerned country. The most commonly seen pattern of illegal migration is from countries with low socio-economic level to comparatively developed ones. Although there are a myriad of causes behind it, the primary motivation that plays a major role in illegal immigration is the hope for greater economic opportunities and improved quality of life. Crossing the prohibited borders is not the only way in which the process of illegal immigration is carried out. There are times when a person enters a country legally, but violates the terms and conditions of his visa and passport. If he overstays in the destination country, crossing the legally allowed time frame, it equally accounts for illegal immigration. There are various models which purposefully justify the concept of illegal immigration. At the end of the day, when we look at things, it is all about a person trying to better his life. It is here that compassion and justice intermingle to form a complex concoction, giving rise to a moral question as to who is at fault. Is it the man who left the door open or the man who entered the house without permission? Definition of illegal immigrant Illegal Immigrant is the person not being a citizen of the country entered into a country without a valid sanction or continue to stay in a country after the expiry of his valid stay in that country. Illegal immigration is the movement of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destination country. Illegal immigrants are also known as illegal aliens to differentiate them from legal aliens Article Summarization The authorities must be harsh with employers who hire illegal immigrants With no job opportunities, foreigners would not be lured to overstay and work illegally. Recently revealed that about 40,000 Indian citizens went missing in Malaysia after their tourist visas expired and that the visa-on-arrival facility had been abused. India has been advising its people not to work in Malaysia illegally. to ensure those seeking employment here through legal means are not cheated Causes of illegal immigrant Poverty While economic models do look at relative wealth and income between home and destination countries, they do not necessarily imply that illegal migrants are always impoverished by standards of the home country. The poorest classes in a developing country may lack the resources needed to mount an attempt to cross illegally, or the connections to friends or family already in the destination country. Overpopulation Population growth which exceeds the carrying capacity of an area or environment results in overpopulation. Spikes in human population can cause problems such as pollution, water crisis, and poverty. World population has grown from 1.6 billion in 1900 to an estimated 6.7 billion today. In Mexico alone, population has grown from 13.6 million in 1900 to 107 million in 2007. Family reunification Some illegal immigrants seek to live with loved ones, such as a spouse or other family members. Family reunification visas may be applied for by legal residents or naturalized citizens to bring their family members into a destination state legally, but these visas may be limited in number and subject to yearly quotas. This may force their family members to enter illegally to reunify. Wars and asylum It is important to note that the status of illegal immigrant may coincide with or be replaced by the status of asylum seeker for emigrants who have escaped a war or repression and have illegal crossed into another state. If they are recognized as legitimate asylums by the destination state, they will then gain legal status. However, there may be numerous potential asylums in a destination state who are unwilling to apply or have been denied asylum status, and hence are categorized as illegal immigrants and may be subject to punishment or deportation. Effects of illegal immigrants to Malaysia Poverty Illegal immigrants that enter the country are searching for job that offered higher wages that they cannot even get at their own country. The jobs vacancies in Malaysia are limited. So, by the entering of illegal immigrants, local citizens will be unemployment. That is because employers are preferred to employ foreign employees due to lower cost that needed. The increasing rate of unemployment will lead to the increasing rate of poverty. Unemployment may cause the citizens do not have source of income and resulting to the poverty cases. Increase in the crime and social ills When there are too many illegal immigrants in the country, the crime cases and also social ills will be increased. The criminal and background of illegal immigrants that enter the country are being unknown. So, whoever can enter our country illegally including criminal and they will make problems in this country. For example, there are many cases on robbery that lead by illegal immigrants. They also always make problems among them such as fighting that sometimes cause death. Increase in government expenditure In order to overcome the issues of illegal immigrants, government had done many strict acts. Government had done all those acts to forcibly repatriate the illegal immigrants to their country. Government need to spent higher expenses because they want to sent as many as illegal immigrants as possible. The high expenses included the cost in repatriate them and also in handling them. The expenses should be spent to the country, but it being wastefully used for handling illegal immigrants issues. Health problems Foreigners employees that want to enter and work at this country must undergo certain medical checkup in order to ensure they are in good health condition. It is also to ensure they are free from infectious diseases such as H1N1, tuberculosis and others. On the other hand, the illegal immigrants are not undergoing such medical checkup. So, if they had had the diseases, the possibility they will spread the diseases is high. Then, many of the local citizens will be infected. Health problems can affects the country badly. Slavery Some of the illegal immigrants are entered the country through agents. They are offered jobs and will get high payment. However, many of them are being cheated by the agents and be slave to them. For example, many women being smuggle to this country and forced to work. At the first time, they are promises job with high payments. But when they arrived the country, they forced to be sex slave or prostitutions. Effects to the illegal immigrants country Increase expenses The country that their citizens involved in illegal immigrants need to make some action in solving the problems. They had to take back the citizens back to country and other related acts. The government expenses will be increased. In addition, if there are several problems that involving their citizens such as health, smuggling and others, they also need to spent some expenses. Bad image Illegal immigrants that come to others country will cause many problems and their country will get bad image due to the issues. In addition, if the illegal immigrants had caused such problems such as criminal actions and social ills, the other country will have such bad overview on that country involved. Loss employees Due to many citizens that immigrates outside, the country will lost many labor included skilled workers. They immigrates illegally in order to get higher payment that offered bay other countries. However, it also included skilled workers that have high potential for their own country. Then, the country will need to get workers from other countries in order to replaced the citizens that have been immigrates. Relationships among countries will be affected Such countries will have diplomatic relationship such as Malaysia and Indonesia. Due to the illegal immigrants issues, it can affect the relationship. If the illegal immigrants had cause problem at other countries, the country involved will have bad view to the citizens and also the country. The relationship will be affected due to all the problems. Effected illegal immigrant to International Trade Exported on good Illegal immigrant without doubt, affects some parts of international trade. Our country does not have any records on the amount of them who stayed or came to Malaysia illegally. Therefore, we cannot disclose the amount of workforce or labor force in our country. Most of them work as labor in construction site or factory. Due to this illegally immigrants problem, those factories which employ these immigrant, could not export their goods as in does not come from our own countrys labor force and we cannot disclose it as domestic goods. Simultaneously, it will affect the international trade process. Skills and technique In terms of skills and technique, there are a lot of factories which depends on machines and computerized system. We need to send a lot of workers to overseas to develop and upgrading their skills. Due to this illegal immigrant problem, we cannot send any workers as most of factories workers are among them. Therefore, it is difficult for our country to create bond with those developed countries which provide those training for the workers as it is one of the objective of international trade. Wages and salary Malaysia is a potential country for development. Many investors likely to invest in our country as they see the profits potential. In this situation, a lot of development companies will grab their chance by convincing those investors through development projects. Most of them are keep to hire these illegal immigrant as labor as they know they can pay the labors cheaply. Somehow, it will create problem and give negative images for our country. Recommendation Responsibility of Ministry of Human Resource They should analyze and calculate the amount of unemployed citizen in our country. Through this process, the can arrange or give those labor job to them. They might be calculative in terms of salary compared to illegal immigrants. Therefore, they should be rated on their skills for their salary where higher paid and post for skillful worker and other way around. As the ministry got records for these domestic labors, they can easily walk away from the job as they can be traced easily. In terms of standardizing and upgrading their skills, a lot of programs or classes should be arranged through human resources department also. Simultaneously, all the goods produce by local company which hired local labors can be exported as it is assumed as local goods and could contribute a lot in international trade. Responsibility of Ministry of Defense Apart from that, to reduce illegal immigrants, Ministry of Defense should responsible on it. Through Polis Di Raja Malaysia (PDRM), they can gather all the immigrants and send them to their country. Those who already got permit or visa to stay in our country could stay and work for our country in few amounts of labors. So, any bad action by them could be traced and any lawful terms can be charged on them. Therefore, it will be no negative images in our country and investor can easily make profit here without worries. Co-operation from the company which hire illegal immigrant. Other than that, those companies which hired a lot of illegal immigrants should support the effort on reducing these immigrants. Hiring them easily is inappropriate way to gain profit quickly. They should be very particular on this matter. Although illegal immigrants did no care a lot on their wage, it is such unlawful manner to hire them as worker as it breaks the rules. Development companies especially need to co-operate with immigration or PDRM in solving this problem. They should disclose the amount of workers or labors they used at the side and provide the records and information of the workers to avoid hiring illegal immigrants. Change in law Some of illegal immigrants might think that they will only be send back to their countries if they were caught entering our country illegally. Therefore, they should some change in the punishment for those immigrants. They should be jailed or other higher punishment so that they will realize how hard it is if they were caught in Malaysia. As most of them entered Malaysia through sea, the marine soldier should put a lot of effort regarding this matter. They should analyze how these immigrants can passed the border easily. Besides, they need to be more efficient in guarding the coast and it will simultaneously secure reputation as the navy. Co-operation with the immigrants country Co-operation with the immigrants country also can contribute in reducing illegal immigrants in our country. Through Ministry of Foreign and Domestic, a lot of ways could be discussed with their government upon this matter. They should be responsible on their people who become illegal immigrants in our country. Besides, it will create bond between our country and them so that, we do not have to worry on this immigrants matter anymore as their country will settle it themselves.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Global Poverty Essay

The definition of poverty is a matter of debate. In 1795, English magistrates decided that a minimum income should be the cost of a gallon loaf of bread, multiplied by three, plus an allowance for each dependent. Today, the Census Bureau defines the threshold of global poverty as the minimum amount of money families need to purchase a nutritionally adequate diet, assuming they use one-third of their income for food. The term underclass has been applied by some social scientists to a population of people, concentrated in an inner city, who are persistently poor, unemployed, and dependent on welfare, with an emphasis on persistently. Initially, sociologist William Julius Wilson championed the concept to describe the plight of the truly disadvantaged. But he and a number of other sociologists have since expressed concern that the term underclass is being misused by some journalists and political conservatives to argue that the poor have created their own plight and are to blame for their poverty (Hinkle, 1994). Wilson contends that the underclass exists mainly because of a sharp climb in inner-city joblessness by virtue of the elimination of hundreds of thousands of lower-skill jobs, the growing polarization of the labor market into low-wage and high-wage sectors, the relocation of manufacturing industries out of the central city, and periodic recessions. The problem has been compounded by the concentration of the disadvantaged in inner-city ghettos and the isolation of these areas from more affluent communities (Hinkle, 1994). Before World War I, most African Americans lived in the rural South. But industrial jobs during World Wars I and II drew hundreds of thousands of blacks to cities in the North (Davis, 2004). Almost all of these people were poor, unskilled workers. Structural factors, i. e. the disappearance over the past quarter-century of hundreds of thousands of low-skill jobs, mainly involving physical labor, have meant that inner-city blacks have become a severely disadvantaged class (Hinkle, 1994). They settled in slum areas near the factories where they worked in the inner city. As slums grew, ghetto conditions worsened. These patterns are most evident in large American cities where smokestack industries once attracted young men with few or no skills to jobs that nonetheless paid well enough to support wives and children. Prejudice and discrimination have made it difficult for African Americans and other minorities to improve these conditions. Legislation has been used to try to eliminate ghetto conditions in the United States. But segregation remains a serious problem. Now poor urban blacks find themselves relegated to all-black neighborhoods where they are socially isolated from mainstream life (Davis, 2004). According to the conflict theory, though, the underclass indeed constitutes a minority of the poor. The underclass is a cote of inner-city poor, those individuals and families who are trapped in an unending cycle of joblessness and dependence on welfare or criminal earnings. Their communities are plagued by drug abuse, lawlessness, crime, violence, and poor schools. Many underclass women were teenage mothers and high school dropouts who subsequently found themselves sidetracked without the resources or skills to escape a life of poverty (Hinkle, 1994). Some sociologists portray global poverty as a structural feature of capitalist societies. The cyclical movements between economic expansion and contraction, boom and bust, contribute to sharp fluctuations in employment (Iceland, 2003). A century ago, Karl Marx contended that an industrial reserve army is essential for capitalist economies. The industrial reserve army consists of individuals at the bottom of the class structure who are laid off in the interests of corporate profits during times of economic stagnation, then rehired when needed for producing profits during times of economic prosperity. It is disproportionately composed of minorities, who traditionally have been the last hired and the first hired. Contemporary structural functionalists say that a new industrial order characterized by a significant shift from manufacturing to service-sector employment has produced massive vulnerability among all blue-collar workers (Hinkle, 1994). Poverty derives from a lack of income-producing employment. And high inner-city rates of family disintegration, welfare dependency, drug abuse, and crime are additional outcomes of faulty economic organization. Clustered in large ghettos and squatters Mexico, Africa, and some parts of Asia, the poor develop feelings of marginality, helplessness, dependence, and inferiority. These circumstances allegedly breed weak ego structures, lack of impulse control, a present-time orientation characterized by little ability to deter gratification, and a sense of resignation and fatalism. The resulting lifeways are both an adaptation and a reaction of the poor to their disadvantaged positions (Iceland, 2003). They become self-perpetuating patterns as the ethos associated with the culture of poverty is transmitted to successive generations. United Nations bureaus revealed that nearly half of the state’s children have mothers who have failed to fulfill elementary school. Statistics illustrate there exists a positive relationship between parents’ educational attainment and their offspring’s odds in their latter life. Children of parents who have no adequate formal education are prone to endure scarcity as they age. Poverty-stricken people around the world suffer from the lack of many things they need. For example, they are less likely to receive adequate medical care or to eat the foods they need to stay healthy. The poor have more diseases, become more seriously ill, and die at a younger age than other people do. Poor people often live in substandard housing in socially isolated areas where most of their neighbors are poor. Many low-income families live in crowded, run-down buildings with inadequate heat and plumbing. The jobs most readily available to the poor provide low wages and little opportunity for advancement. Many of these jobs also involve dangerous or unhealthful working conditions. Financial, medical, and emotional problems often strain family ties among the poverty-stricken (Iceland, 2003). In Laos, saddled with debt, lacking infrastructure, and short of trained personnel, the government simply cannot afford to provide basic schooling for all of their children. However, this is not a problem of lack of resources, but rather a problem of resource allocation. In Ghana, misdistribution and capitalistic exploitation make the medicines inaccessible to the poor clients in the district. If in the past, the causes of illnesses may have been shared between man and nature, from this time forth, diseases are brought about by the caustic arms of industrialization, which might have not destroyed or alternatively benefited the sub-Saharan Africa. In Thailand, young people, some hardly elapsed pre-school age, vending on streets virtually every single day is a heartbreaking scene to the passersby. While at first glance it may seem to be effortless, risk-free toil that equips a deprived family a most wanted boost, it essentially stems from a chain of causes, and begets a mesh of costs for the child, his family and the society in which they are trying to survive. Eventually, many unschooled children would eventually realize finding themselves sidetracked without the resources or skills to escape a life of poverty. Within the United States, President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society produced a flurry of social programs rivaling those of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. Some are gone, while others were severely cut or revamped by the Reagan and Bush administrations. The government provides two main types of aid: social insurance and public assistance. Social insurance mainly covers people-or their families-who have worked and paid special taxes in the past, whether or not they are poor. Public assistance provides aid to the needy regardless of their work record (Iceland, 2003). Education is a key element in reversing poverty. For some people in Asia and Africa, education is a means to improve oneself. Education is greatly related to social status because a high degree of education involves money and motivation. Some people insist that the forces that are making the world into a single economy have separated people from longstanding identities and have, at the same time, weakened nation-state. Particularly, McDonaldization of global society has allowed to target highly specific groups wherever they are and so the ethnic bond tails them too (Ritzer, 1996). People in developing countries are starving, purely so that our developed society can be provided with excess food. Chemicals, necessary for the uniformity of its products, are destroying the environment and putting lives at risk due to increased nitrate levels. This way, McDonaldization of society wouldn’t make the world a better place, as it will simply turn into a bigger breeding ground for exploitation, pollution, and economic imbalance around the world furthering global poverty.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Mythology Character Chart

He hates Odysseus, tried to kill Odysseus in a big storm. Preventing him from going home. Athena Goddess of war and marriage Daughter of Zeus She's crushing on Odysseus, trying to help save him, Hermes Messenger God Speaks with Odysseus and gives him the herb and tells him how to escape Circe. Aphrodite Goddess of love Hyphenates The god of metal-working Sculpts sculpture of O with Athena. Ares The war-godPuts mortals In pain. Artemisia The goddess of the woods Alerter Odysseus' daddy Odysseus goes to visit him when he returns. Auricle Odysseus' mom/nurse The first one in the house to know Odysseus has returned. Amuses A servant on Odysseus estate. Swineherd, shepherd of pigs. Very kind, understanding and generous. Philatelist Athena disguised to guide Toolmakers Helps Toolmakers. Mutinous Suitor Mutinous leads the campaign to have Telesales killed. Rheumatics Odysseus Main character Son of AlerterGreek Leader of Trojan war Got captured by Calypso on his way home. Penelope Odysseus' wife Telemeters Odysseus' son Wants the suitors out, but can't fight them, because he's insecure about fighting. Melanesian Melanoma Nester King of Pylons Tries to help Telesales sends him to Postmistress Nester's son King of Laceration Helen The most beautiful woman in the world. The cause of the Trojan War Polymorphous (Cyclops) Terrifies Circe A witch Calypso A strong sea-nymph Traps Odysseus on her island, kept him as a love-slave.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Taking a Look at Cancer - 1508 Words

CANCER Cancer is the transformation of normal cells into malignant (harmful) cells. This transformation is the consequence of a genetic mutation of the DNA in normal cells due to an overexposure to carcinogens, chemicals, radiation, trauma, viral infections or chronic inflammations. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, â€Å"in 2013 over 500 Canadians were to be diagnosed with cancer everyday, and over 200 Canadians were to die from it everyday† (, which means cancer is a lot more common than we would like to think. Fortunately, latest advances in medical technology make it easier to detect potential malignant masses quickly. Cancer signs and symptoms can be helpful in the diagnostic of the disease. Some people will consult a doctor as soon as they start feeling ill, cancer can then be caught in its early stages. Other people will ignore whatever signs and symptoms they have an d might associate them to something as insignificant as a flu, cancer is then often caught late. There are different types of treatment available for different types of cancer. Establishing the right therapeutic plan is a lot easier when a cancer is detected at a early stage. A lot of side effects related to the different cancer treatments have been experienced due to their strength. The best way to cure cancer is to prevent it. Actions can be undertaken to prevent the proliferation of malignant cellsShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Breast Cancer1760 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the Cancer Facts and Figures 2014 by the American Cancer Society, an estimated number of 232,670 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer, and about 2,360 new cases are expected in men. Breast cancer will possibly cause death to more than 40,000 female patients and 400 male patients in 2014. Excluding skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer that American women are d iagnosed with. Additionally, breast cancer ranks second in the most deadly cancers among womenRead MoreTaking a Look at Breast Cancer1758 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death among females in the world. It is known for â€Å"have both a genetic and non-genetic etiology† (Milne et al., 2010). It involves a combination of several factors- such as â€Å"genetic, environmental and behavioral risk factors†- that are unique to each individual (Nickels et al., 2013). This type of cancer is represented by a malignant tumor manifested in breast cells such as the line duct and line lobules cells, just to name a fewRead MoreTaking a Look at Lung Cancer978 Words   |  4 PagesLung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in Malaysia for both men and woman. Your lungs are two spongy organs in your chest. The left lung is divided into two lobes or sections, and the right lung has three lobes. When you breadth in air enters your nose or mouth and passes into your trachea or windpipe, at the carina the trachea divides into two bronchi then branches into smaller bronchioles. The bronchioles end in tiny air sacs or alveoli. In the alveoli the oxygen and the air you inhaleRead MoreTaking a Look at Breast Cancer955 Words   |  4 PagesBreast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women in the United States, after lung cancer. Every year, millions of women over the age of 40 go in for a routine mammogram to help prevent terminal breast cancer by early prognosis. While some very fortunate women will never actually be diagnosed with this cancer, they still undergo this medical test routinely. However, for every eight women there is one that will be diagnosed with some form of breast cancer in their life. It seems as thoughRead MoreTaking a Look at Breast Cancer1052 Words   |  4 PagesNearly one in eight women in the United States will develop breast cancer at some point in her or his life (Breast Cancer Health Center, 2014). I am sure that almost everyone has been affected by breast cancer in one way or another, whether they had it or know someone who has had it. My mom’s aunt had breast cancer, as did my dad’s mother. My great-aunt luckily caught it early on and had it taken care of. Unfortunately, my grandmother caught it too late; it had spread all over her body and eventuallyRead MoreTaking a Look at Prostate Cancer3372 Words   |  14 PagesProstate cancer is the most common type of carcinoma and the second leading cause of cancer death in men, following carcinoma of the lung. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age, beginning at age 50, and is also higher among African-American men. The two highest age subpopulations diagnosed are men 55-64 and 65-74 years of age, comprising 29.0% and 35.6% of all prostate cancer diagnoses, respectively. The age-adjusted incidence rate of prostate cancer is 159.3 per 100,000 menRead MoreTaking a Look at Cervical Cancer742 Words   |  3 PagesLet the truth be known that cervical cancer can affect everyone with cervix. That is, all women. It doesn’ t just happen to those with multiple sexual partners or women after the age of 30. It can happen even to monogamous women and women in their 20s. But bear in mind that cervical cancer is preventable and curable especially in its early stages. Massive now is the campaign and attention given by health workers, media and people who had experienced cervical cancer themselves or within their familiesRead MoreTaking a Look at Breast Cancer718 Words   |  3 Pagesasked her sister what was wrong. Elaine tried to ignore it and changed the subject. But Tina was worried and took her to the emergency room where the E.R. doctor diagnosed her with Stage 4 breast cancer. Since Elaine rarely went to doctors or got any checkups, she suffered from a late detection of breast cancer due to her fear of doctors. While visiting my family in New York for winter vacation 2011, I noticed that Elaine’s weight was dropping and her clothes were not as secure as they once were. ElaineRead MoreTaking a Look for Breast Cancer1083 Words   |  4 Pagesdiagnose for breast cancer is a regular self-check for changes in the chest or breast area. On finding a lump or cyst under the skin, it is ideal to visit a GP for confirmation although; most lump s or cysts are normal or non-cancerous. On confirmation of the presence of breast cancer, a patient would be further examined to find out the stage of cancer and what treatments would be ideal for them. This further testing includes a variety of techniques used to scan a suspected breast cancer such as MammogramRead MoreTaking a Look at Colon Cancer1919 Words   |  8 PagesDisease Cancer is a disease that develops from uncontrolled cell growth. These cells are capable of invading neighboring or distant parts of the body through the circulatory system. A [benign] tumor, which is sometimes confused with cancer develops from uncontrolled cell growth, but does not spread to other parts of the body. Cancer is a large family of diseases and each one is distinct from the other. Colon cancer, one of the most common cancers in America, usually develops in gladular cells in